The International Registry
of Rock | Paper | Scissors Variants is the official collection of variations
on that classic game for mindless time-consumption: Rock | Paper | Scissors.
the years, countless players have evolved the game to remove the "mindless" by
creating new game schemas that mirror or redeploy in some clever way the original
cyclical power hierarchy: Scissors kills Paper, Paper kills Rock, Rock kills Scissors.
The International Society of Rock | Paper | Scissors Variants was formed to celebrate
this imaginative practice.
Now that the International Registry has been created,
these variants can be enjoyed and registered all around the globe! Write the
Registrar to register your favorite variant today!
For more information on RPS proper, be sure to visit the World RPS
Society's Official Rock
Paper Scissors Strategy Guide.
NOTE: R|P|S variants'
characters are listed in the same power-order as the originals':
for 1|2|3, 1
is killed by 2, which is killed by 3, which is killed by 1.
0. Rock
| Paper | Scissors
1. Baby Cockroach | Cockroach | Mutant
The International Registry of Rock | Paper | Scissors Variants was created and is maintained by the Registrar (Brent Emerson) of the International Society of Rock | Paper | Scissors Variants.