VI. I don’t remember how this worked except that we took our favorite parts from a poem that someone else had just written. 11/6/96


The year bluffs/ then I bargain with/ the delivery man/ yeah yeah yeah

white pizzas in dark tins/ spades ‘n’ clubs of Gino’s/ papa papa papa

double my earnings/ if I smoke my way into/ my own society’s cold/ shiver shiver shiver

Stand cross-eyed behind/ a closed hand/ the bargain waits/ for consenting adulthood/ to win the canal/ or carnival/ between 2 decades

2 centuries 2 minutes 2 fold or 2 wait/ an ant crawls across a die

Buckle up pain/ it’s the law/ so take your chances already/ roll ‘em out roll ‘em out

The trick fans yellow under/ water the West drives/ fast my rapping cheated/ my compadres/ com pa dre com pa dre


The truck is a fast draw now/ takin’ centuries to heart

Negotiations crossin’ eyes/ dottin’ t’s/ townspeople up in/ smokey smokey dope

Slow pizza-lined saloons/ salivate the loons/ we got here/ what we got

dough boys and forks on the bar/ grease the till bar/ tender tender tender

deliveryman’s got a poker/ face up/ everyone losing lunch/ to everyone/ deliver man, deliver